Brasov Old Town - Aerial View
Brasov Old Town and Mt Tampa, photo © Dani Toma


Brasov Fast Facts

Brasov pronounced: Bra' shov
Location:  Southern Transylvania
Nearest International Airport:  Brașov (GHV)
Area:   28.5 sq. miles (74 sq. km)
Elevation:   2,133 ft. (650 meters)
Population:   235,000
Inhabited since:   100 BC
Year Founded:   1211 AD
Brasov Oldest building:   Biserica St. Bartolomeu (1223)


Fringed by the peaks of the Southern Carpathian Mountains and resplendent with gothic, baroque and renaissance architecture, Brasov is one of the most beautiful and visited places in Romania.
Brasov was founded, in 1211, by the Teutonic Knights, on an ancient Dacian site. In the 13th-Century Brasov was settled by the Saxons and shortly became one of Transylvania's seven walled citadels Siebenburgen.
The location of Brasov, at the intersection of trade routes linking the Ottoman Empire and western Europe, together with friendly tax regime, allowed Saxon merchants to obtain considerable wealth and exert strong political influence in the region. This was also reflected in the city's name, Kronstadt (German) or Corona (Latin), meaning the Crown City.
Strong fortifications defending towers were erected and maintained with funding provided the town's craft guilds.

Brasov is home to one of the the narrowest streets in Europe: the Rope Street (Strada Sforii).   This 3.6 to 4 feet wide and 265 feet long passageway connects Strada Cerbului with Strada Poarta Schei in Old Town Brasov. Starting with the 15th-ventury and until early 20th-century, the Rope street served as an access route for firefighters.
Legend says that the Rope street was a meeting place for lovers whose parents did not approve their relationship and that couples who kissed on Rope street will never get apart.

The Old Townhall Square (Piața Sfatului) is lined by colorfully painted and richely ornately baroque structures.
Just south of the Townhall Square, the Black Church (Biserica Neagra) - the largest gothic structure in Romania - got its name from the appearance of its exteriour walls, darkened by the flames and smoke of the 'Great Fire' of 1689. The impressive interior of the church houses one of the largest organs in Eastern Europe and an unique collection of antique rugs and kilims.

Mount Tâmpa and the Hollywood-like sign are true symbols of the city of Brasov.
Above the sign there is a large terrace that offers an unique panorama of the city.
The sign - illuminated at night - can be seen from a distance of over 15 miles.

Near Brasov there are towering mountains, rolling fields, thick forests and century-old Saxon villages.

Brașov (Kronstadt ) is one of the Siebenbürgen (seven walled citadels) established by the Transylvanian Saxons.
The other Siebenbürgen are:   Bistrita (Bistritz),   Cluj (Klausenburg),   Medias (Mediasch),   Sebes (Mühlbach),   Sibiu (Hermannstadt)   and   Sighisoara (Schässburg)


Brasov Sights and Landmarks

The Council Square

Piața Sfatului
The Transylvanian Saxons built massive stone walls and seven bastions around the city (still visible today), as well as ornate churches, elaborately decorated buildings and one of the most picturesque central squares in Transylvania, said to be the spot to which the legendary Pied Piper led the children of Hamlin. Located at the heart of old medieval Brasov and lined with beautiful red-roofed merchant houses, the Council Square, known to the Saxon population as the Marktplatz, is a nice place to rest and watch the locals and visitors.

Brasov Old Town Hall

Casa Sfatului
Address: Piata Sfatului 30
Built in 1420, Casa Sfatului served for several centuries as meeting place for the town's council members.
At the beginning of the 17th-Century, the building's watchtower became the place from which a trumpeter announced the top of the hour and hence nicknamed "Trumpeter's Tower".
Today, the Old Town Hall houses Brasov's History Museum

The Black Church

Biserica Neagra
Address: Curtea Johannes Honterus 2
Admission charge
Brasov Black Church hours and more info

Brasov's most distinctive landmark and Romania's largest Gothic church, the Black Church towers over the Council Square and Brasov Old Town. Built between 1385 and 1477 on the site of an earlier church (destroyed during Mongol invasions in 1242), the construction of the Marienkirche, as it was known in German, was hampered by extensive damage caused by Turkish raids in 1421. The church was given its new name after disaster struck again in 1689, when the Great Fire leveled most of the town and blackened the walls of the church. Restoration took almost 100 years. Of the two towers planned, only one was finished.

The Black Church is the largest gothic church between Vienna and Istanbul.
The seven-tons bell of the church is the largest - and heaviest - in Romania.

The original gothic interior got a makeover during restorations, and the lofty, light space you see today is mostly baroque. The interior is beautiful, with balconies, stained glass windows, an enormous organ, stone columns and walls adorned with fabulous Turkish carpets. The church windows have recently been fitted out with special UV-filtering glass to protect the 119 Anatolian carpets. Thankful to have survived their trips into the "barbaric" lands south and east of the Carpathians, German merchants donated the carpets to the church in the 17th and 18th centuries. The collection is the largest of its kind in Europe.
Black Church's 4,000-pipe organ dates from 1839 and is still in function; concerts are offered several times a week.

Brasov's Defensive Fortifications

Ever since Saxon settlers arrived in the early 12th century, invading Mongols, Turks and others gave them a tough time, repeatedly destroying the old settlements of Bartholoma and Corona. Thereafter, the Saxons set themselves to building fortifications around their town.

Most work was done between 1400 and 1650, when outer and inner walls were erected, together with massive defense towers and gates. Part of the defensive wall, once 40 feet high, seven feet thick and two miles long, can still be seen today, though most was taken down in the 19th century to make room for the city's expansion.

For centuries, Brasov has been a major economic and manufacturing centre.
In the mid-18th Century Brasov was home to 43 artisan guilds, reuniting 1.227 masters and journeymen.
Among the most important were: Saddlers Guild, Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild, Blacksmiths Guild and Furriers Guild.
Each major guild financed construction of - and covered the expenses to maintain - Brasov’s defending towers.

Of the original seven bastions, only a few have survived, including the Graft Bastion, located in the middle of the citadel's northwest wall. On the west side of the wall, walk along picturesque Dupa Ziduri Street (Dupa Ziduri means Behind the Walls) to catch a glimpse of the 15th century White and Black Towers. The Blacksmiths' Bastion, one of the original seven built and guarded by the city's guilds, is located at the southern end of Dupa Ziduri Street. Follow the city wall southeast to the fairy-tale Catherine Gate (Poarta Ecaterinei). Built in 1559 and once the main entrance to medieval Kronstadt, it is the only original city gate to have survived the test of time.
Nearby is the classicist Schei Gate, built in 1827. The Weavers' Bastion can be admired on George Cosbuc Street.

Timeless elegance hand-made in Transylvania.
Did you know that the Saint Crispin shoes are hand-manufactured in Brasov,
a city known as Transylvania’s bastion of shoemaking since 1463?
What makes Saint Crispin footwear so special is that everything is handmade, from the shoe box to shoe last; even the shoe laces. Every year, twenty-two artisans hand welt, last, stitch, buckle and nap to perfection about 1,500 pairs of made-to-order shoes.
It takes six to eight weeks to create a pair of Saint Crispin shoes.

Graft Bastion
Bastionul Graft
This 16th century bastion (1521) has four levels, accessible through interior staircases.
Levels two, three and four host an array of medieval artifacts exhibits, while level one serves as a rest area for visitors.

White Tower
Turnul Alb
Located near Graft Bastion, the semicircular White Tower was completed in 1494.
A wooden staircase spirals up four levels, offering a great view of the old town.
Visitors will have to climb some 200 steps to reach the White Tower, constructed on the top of a hill.

Black Tower
Turnul Negru
The squared Black Tower, also built in 1494, stands atop a rock on Starja Hill near the Blacksmiths' Bastion.
The tower received its name from a severe fire in 1559 when it was struck by lightning. Recently renovated and boasting a pyramid-shaped glass roof, the Black Tower houses a small war-related artifacts museum.
There are four floors inside, each reached by a narrow wooden ladder.     Climb all the way to the top for a panoramic view of the Black Church.

Blacksmiths' Bastion
Bastionul Fierarilor
First attested in 1529, the Blacksmiths' Bastion is now home to the Brasov Archives which hosts more than 100,000 old and rare documents, including 80 valuable 14th - 16th century letters.   Among them is the oldest letter in the Romanian language, written in 1521 by Neacsu, a merchant from the town of Campulung.

Catherine's Gate
Poarta Ecaterinei
Catherine's Gate, erected in 1559 by the Tailors' Guild, is the only original gate to have survived from medieval times. The fairy-tale tower we see today was part of a bigger structure, which unfortunately, was demolished in 1827.
The original structure can be seen at the Weavers' Bastion Museum where a large model of 16th century Brasov is displayed. The four small corner turrets (as seen in other Saxon citadels) symbolized the judicial autonomy of the Town Council which could apply, if necessary, the death penalty.
Above the entrance, the tower bears the city's coat of arms: a crown on a tree trunk.

Schei Gate
Poarta Schei
Entry to the Schei district from the walled city was marked by the Schei Gate. Old documents mention it, also, under the name of Porta Valacce (Wallachs'Gate) because it was the only entrance for the Romanians living in Schei. They were not allowed to use any of the other entrances. The structure standing today was commissioned in 1827 by Emperor Franz I and replaced the old Schei Gate which had been heavily damaged by fires. The gate resembles a triumphal arch with three openings. Above the small arches on both sides, you can see Latin inscriptions.

Brașov Fortress
Cetatea Brașovului / Cetatea Brassovia
Address: Dealul Cetății
Tel: (+4) 0268 417.614
Open: Mon. - Sun. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Strategically located on a hill overlooking the town and the plains to the north, the citadel was part of Brasov's outer fortification system. Built in wood in 1524, it was replaced with a stone structure in the 16th century, only to be abandoned in the 17th century after technological innovations made cannons stronger than the building.

Weavers' Bastion
Bastionul Țesătorilor
Built during 1421 - 1436 and rebuilt in 1570 - 1573, this is the largest medieval bastion in Brasov and the best-preserved among the seven original watchtowers constructed around the city walls.
Today, the Weavers' Bastion houses a small museum that can be visited on the way up Tâmpa Mountain.

Mount Tâmpa

Muntele Tâmpa
Brașov is often referred to as the city at the foot of Mount Tâmpa.
Above the Weavers' Bastion, along the southeastern side of the fortress walls, there is an alley
(Aleea Tiberiu Brediceanu), shaded by old trees and dotted with benches.  
From here, one can hike to the top of the mountain where the original defensive fortress was built.
When Vlad Tepes (the Impaler) attacked Brasov, in 1458, the citadel was destroyed;
40 merchants who refused to pay trade taxes were impaled, and displayed on top of the mountain.
Walking to the top takes about an hour; just follow the 'red triangle' marked trail that begins at the cable car boarding point or the yellow triangle marked trail which continues from Brediceanu Alley.
Those not in the mood for a little hiking can take the cable car to the peak of the mountain (elevation 3,200 feet).

Tâmpa Cable Car - Brasov, Fast Facts
Telecabina Tâmpa
Address: Aleea Tiberiu Brediceanu
Tel: (+4) 0268 407.342
Days of operation: Tuesday -- Sunday.
Hours: Daily 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last trip uphill) / 5 p.m. (last trip downhill)
(Mondays: Regular Inspection & Maintenance work)

Tâmpa Cable Car tickets:
Type Cost
Adult – one way 20 Lei
Adult – round trip 30 Lei
Child, up to 14 y.o. – one way 10 Lei
Child, up to 14 y.o. – round trip20 Lei

Start point elevation: 2,100 ft.
End point elevation: 3,151 ft.
Trip duration: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
(it takes a little longer on bad-weather days)
The great: spectacular views of Brasov, from the top of Mt.Tâmpa.
(the end point of the cable car is located 1,400 ft. above the city)
The not so good: Tâmpa cable car (built in 1971) looks a little old.

Mount Tâmpa hiking trails have been marked in 1870.  The area is a nature reserve, home to bear, wild boad and viper.  Hikers are safe as long as they stay on marked marked paths.  At the beginning of the 20th Century several fires have destroyed the forest covering Mount Tâmpa.  The locals used wicker baskets to carry fertile soil, up the steep hillside, then planted over 380 acres with trees.  Mount Tâmpa is home to over 35% of the 782 butterfly species present in Romania.  Best months to see the colorful Lepidoptera are July and August.
Schei District

Brasov was founded by Transylvanian Saxons and during the Saxon rule of Brasov, from the 13th to the 17th century, Romanians settled in the southwestern part of the town, called "Schei" district.
Walk up Strada Prundului to Piata Unirii and the beautiful St. Nicholas Church; then, wander around the small curving streets that gradually slope upwards against the hill. Continue to the southern end of Schei and you'll end up on the gravel road to Solomon's Rocks (Pietrele lui Solomon), a popular picnic area for locals during the weekend but relatively quiet all other times.

Every spring, thousands of Romanians gather at Solomon's Rocks for a massive picnic and sing-along, after following the traditional Junii Brasovului procession through town. This festival celebrates the one day a year that Romanians were allowed to enter the Saxon town freely.
Brasov Historic Churches

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church
Biserica Sfantul Nicolae
Address: Piata Unirii 1 - 2
Saint Nicholas' Church dominates the Schei District. First built in wood in 1392, replaced with a stone structure in 1495 and considerably expanded in the 18th century, the church is a true architectural masterpiece.
With a mix of Byzantine, baroque and gothic styles, it features a slender tower and four corner towers.
Like other medieval churches, it is surrounded by protective walls with large wooden gates. The enclosure shelters a small old cemetery where several *prominent people of Romania are buried. The First Romanian School, now a museum, the Library and the Archives of Saint Nicholas Church also are found on nearby grounds.
Nicolae Titulescu (1882-1941), finance minister, foreign minister and president of the Assembly of the League of Nations rests in the graveyard of the church.
The monument near his grave quotes a line from his will: "I wish to be buried in Transylvania. My friends will know to find a place according to my wish."

Franciscan Monastery
Manastirea Franciscanilor
Address: Str. Sfintu Ioan 7
The monastery was built by the Lutherans in 1725 on the ruins of an old building destroyed by fire. Later, it was given to the Franciscans monks. It houses a 1729 organ.

Saint Peter and Paul Roman-Catholic Cathedral
Catedrala Romano-Catolica Sfantul Petru si Pavel
Address: Str. Muresenilor 19-21
Built between 1776 and 1882 on the site of an old Dominican church, the cathedral is considered to be the most representative Baroque style building in Brasov.

Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
Catedrala Ortodoxa Adormirea Maicii Domnului
Address: Piata Sfatului 3
Located on the east side of the Council Square, opposite the Old Town House, the Romanian Orthodox Cathedral was built in a glaring Byzantine style in 1896 and displays some impressive interior frescoes and decorations. On Saturdays, brides and grooms line outside (being careful to avoid glancing at each other - bad luck) to get married here.

Saint Bartholomew Church
Biserica Sfantul Bartolomeu
Address: Str. Lunga 247
Considered the oldest architectural monument in Brasov, this church was built in 1223 in Roman architectural style mixed with early gothic elements. Inside, you can admire an ancient sundial on the southern side of the tower, as well as remarkably well preserved fragments of original frescoes.

Saint Martin Church
Biserica Sfantul Martin
Adddress: Str. Dealul de Jos 12
Not as richly decorated as other churches, Saint Martin Church has preserved its original 15th century form.

Jewish Brasov

Jews have lived in Brasov since 1807, when Rabbi Aaron Ben Jehuda was given permission to live in the city, a privilege until then granted only to Saxons.   The Jewish Community of Brasov was officially founded 19 years later, followed by the first Jewish school in 1864 and the building of the Synagogue in 1901.   The Jewish population of Brasov expanded rapidly to 1,280 people in 1910 and 4,000 in 1940. Today, the community has about 230 members, after many families left for Israel between World War II and 1989.
The Beit Israel Synagogue - Brașov
Sinagoga Neologă Beit Israel
Address: Str. Poarta Schei 27
Open: Mon. - Fri.: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Free walking tour of Brasov with a local guide

Take a historical walk through Brasov's medieval section and discover the largest Gothic church east of Vienna, the Town Council Square and the city's 14th Century fortifications.
The tour ends with a general view of the Old Town from one of Brasov's medieval towers.

April - May: every day at 6 p.m.
June - September: every day at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
October - March: every day at 3 p.m.
Tour starts: at Piata Sfatului (Town Council Square), next to the fountain.
(guide will have an orange umbrella)
Tour ends: at Turnul Alb (the White Tower).
No reservation is necessary.
Duration: 90 minutes to 120 minutes.
Cost: Free; If you liked the tour you can tip your tour guide.
More info

In the centre of the square stands the Old Town Hall (1420), now home to Brasov's History Museum, while the southeast corner is dominated by the town's most famous landmark, the Black Church.
The square is surrounded by the renaissance-style Merchant's House (now the Cerbul Carpatin restaurant), the beautiful archway of the Orthodox Cathedral and the memorial museum of the Mureseanu family.

Short Hikes

Because Brasov is located at the foot of Mount Tâmpa,
there are several hiking trails that practically begin at the edge of the Old Town.
Here are a few options for short hikes from Brasov to the top of Tâmpa (3,133 ft.)
the highest observation point in Brasov:

Trail name: Drumul Serpentinelor (The Crocky Trail)
Trail marking: red triangle
Length: half mile
Aleea Brediceanu - Cablecar – Panoramic Restaurant – Peak TÂmpa

Trail name: Drumul Cavalerilor (Knights’ Trail)
Trail marking: Blue Stripe
Length: 1.5 miles
Bastionul Tesatorilor – Peak Tampa - the trail continues to Poiana Brasov ski town (three hours each way)

Trail name: Dealul Melcilor (Snails’ Hill)
Trail marking: Blue Triangle
Length: 1.5 miles
Dealul Melcilor – Saua Tampei – Peak Tampa

Trail name: Treptele lui Gabony (Gabony’s Steps)
Trail marking: Yellow Triangle
Length: 1.8 miles (one hour)
Bastionul Funarilor – Promenada Tampei – Drumul Scarilor - Peak Tampa
This is the most demanding trail, with two steep ascents including a 167-step climb.
However, it offers more spectacular panoramic views of the city of Brasov than any other trail.


Brasov Museums

Brasov Art Museum

Muzeul de Arta - Brasov
Address: Bulevardul Eroilor 21
Telephone: (+4) 0268 477.286
The first and second floors oare home to the National Gallery, a collection of canvases, by anonymous, 18th and 19th-century, Transylvanian painters as well as 20th century artists, including Theodor Pallady, Nicolae Grigorescu, Stefan Luchian, Horia Bernea, Nicolae Tonitza, Gheorghe Petrascu, Dimitrie Paciurea, Ion Irimescu, Misu Popp, Constantin Lecca, Hans Eder
Brasov Art Museum also displays works by Brasov-born Hans Mattis-Teutsch (1884-1960), one of the most influential Romanian artists, as well as sculptures by Corneliu Medrea, Ion Jalea, Frederic Storck and Dimitrie Paciurea.

French photographer Brassai, famous for his portrayal of Paris at the beginning of the 20th century, was born in 1899 in Brasov. Upon his move to France he took on his artistic pseudonym Brassai, which means 'from Brasov'.

The basement level features beautiful European crystal and porcelains and a large collection of Oriental vases and statuettes from China, Tibet and Persia.

Brasov History Museum - Old Townhall

Muzeul de Istorie al Brasovului
Address: Piaţa Sfatului 30
Housed in the Old Town Hall building, Brasov History Museum displays documents and objects attestings Brasov's long history from ancient to modern times: tools made in stone (Paleolithic age), (Neolithic age) painted ceramics, tools made in bronze and iron, armor, ancient weapons and farming tools. The exhibits also tell the history of the Saxon guilds, which dominated Brasov during medieval times.
Opening Hours:   Tuesday – Sunday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Adults: 7 lei ($1.75)
Senior citizens: 4 lei ($1.00)
Students: 1.50 lei ($0.40)

Brasov Ethnography Museum 

Muzeul de Etnografie Brasov
Address: Blvd. Eroilor 21 A
Tel: (+4) 0268 476.243
Opening Hours:   Tuesday - Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Admission charge
Brasov Ethnography Museum exhibits silver jewelry crafted in Brasov during the 16th century, fur and sheepskin coats and other folk costumes; black and white photographs illustrate exactly how they were worn and by whom. The museum also presents the evolution of weaving from an old spinning wheel to a mechanized loom. Folk art and local crafts are available at the museum gift shop.

Museum of the Romanian School

Muzeul Prima Scoala Romaneasca
Address: Piata Unirii 2 - 3
(on the grounds of St. Nicholas Church)
Tel: (+4) 0268 511.411
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Brasov was for centuries one of the leading learning centres of the Romanian people. The printing press that opened here in 1556 produced some of the first books written in Romanian. The museum hosts a compelling legacy: more than 4,000 rare books (many printed or copied by hand on the premises), several hundreds rare documents, the oldest Bible (printed on goat's skin) and much more.

It took, a team of 28 workers and translators, months to finish just one book.
Muresan Family Memorial Museum

Muzeul Memorial Casa Muresenilor
Address: Piata Sfatului 25
Tel.: (+4) 0268 477.864
Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Free admission

Established in 1968, due to generous Mureseanu family donations, Casa Muresenilor features the largest family archive in Romania: a collection of over 25,000 documents, letters, photographs, newspapers, rare books, paintings, sculptures, 19th century furniture.

Jacob Muresan, first in a long line of Mureseanus, was a teacher who married into wealth and. In 1838, he founded Transylvania Gazette (Gazeta de Transilvania), a political newspaper that presented the opinions of the most important politicians in Transylvania and other regions of Romania.
Weavers' Bastion Museum

Muzeul Fortificatiilor din Tara Barsei / Bastionul Tesatorilor
Address: Str. George Cosbuc 9
Tel: (+4) 0268 472.368
Open: Tue. - Sun. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Admission Charge
This small museum, housed inside the bastion, exhibits Middle Age documents, photographs of long-lost bastions, armor, impressive Turkish weapons decorated with Arabic inscriptions, tools used by local artisans, guild flags, a street lamp from the 16th century, pieces from an aqueduct, rare books and much more. Most impressive is the elaborate small-scale model of Brasov circa 1600, made in 1896 for the Millennium Exhibition in Budapest.

Museum Pass Brașov offers a convenient option to visit city's museums and other attractions:
~ Brașov History Museum / Old Townhall
~ The Black Church
~ Weavers' Bastion
~ Romanian School Museum
~ Brașov Ethnographic Museum
~ Urban Civilization Museum - Brașov
~ Brașov Art Museum
~ "Casa Mureşenilor" Museum
~ "Casa Ştefan Baciu" Museum
~ Săcele Ethnographic Museum - Sacele (8 miles SE)
~ "Gheorghe Cernea" Ethnographic Museum - Rupea (40 miles NW of Brașov)

Museum Pass Brașov cost and validity:
Adult: 58 lei (approx. $12.50)
Senior citizen: 42 lei (approx. $9.25)
Children (4 - 12 y.o.): 21 lei (approx. $4.50)
Pass allows one visit to each museum and is valid for 90 days, from the date of purchase.


Brasov Performing Arts Venues

Opera & Ballet

Brasov Opera
Opera Brasov
Address: Str. Bisericii Romane 51, Brasov
Tel: (+4) 0268 415.990

Symphonic Music

Brasov Philharmonic
Filarmonica Brasov
Address: Str. Apollonia Hircher 10
Tel: (+4) 0268 473.058

Drama Theatre

Sica Alexandrescu Drama Theatre
Teatrul Sica Alexandrescu
Address: Piata Teatrului 1
Tel: (+4) 0268 418.850

Arlechino Puppet Theatre
Teatrul de Papusi Arlechino
Address: Apollonia Hirscher 10
Tel: (+4) 0268 475.243


Attractions Near Brasov

Poiana Brasov

Where: 5 miles SW of Brasov
Access: Bus #20 leaves every half-hour from Livada Postei bus station

A 15-minute drive or 30-minute bus ride from Brasov leads to Poiana Brasov (3,300 feet), a mountaintop ski and summer resort. During winter months, Poiana Brasov offers some of the best skiing in Romania. In the summer, it is a great place for hikers to launch treks into the Southern Carpathian Mountains. For a panoramic view of Brasov and the more distant Bucegi Mountains, take the cable car to the summit of Postavarul Mountain (5,756 feet).

Hollywood celebrities Jude Law, Renee Zellweger and Nicole Kidman relaxed in Poiana Brasov after shooting the film Cold Mountain on location in nearby fields and farms.

Rasnov Fortress
Cetatea Rasnov
Where: 9 miles southwest of Brasov
Access: car, bus
Rasnov Fortress info

Rasnov Dino Park
Where: 10 miles southwest of Brasov
Access: car, bus
Included by in the list of "top 50 destinations in Europe that every kid and family should experience at least once in their lifetime" Dino Parc - Râșnov is home to over 100 models of real-size dinosaurs that can be seen while hiking and trekking through the park.
Rasnov Dino Patrk also features playgrounds, treehouses, adventure trails, laser labyrinths, state-of-the-art cinemas as well as virtual reality interactive areas and an erupting interactive volcano.
Dino Parc - Râșnov more info

Bran (Dracula's) Castle
Where: village Bran, 16 miles southwest of Brasov
Access: car,   bus;
buses Brasov to Bran leave from Brasov bus terminal # 2 (Autogara Bartolomeu), travel time 45 minutes.
Bran (Dracula) Castle info

Harman Fortified Church
Where: 4 miles north of Brasov
Access: car, bus
Harman Fortress info

The Fortified Church at Prejmer
Where: 6 miles northeast of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train
Prejmer is a short train journey from Brasov on the line towards town of Sfantu Gheorghe.
Note: Get off at Ilieni halt, which is actually closer to the church than Prejmer station itself)
Prejmer Fortress info

Zarnesti Bear Sanctuary
Where: 23 miles west of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train
Zarnesti Bear Sanctuary info

Racoș Nature Reserve
Rezervația naturală Complexul Geologic Racoș
Where: village Racoș , 44 miles north of Brasov
Main attractions include Racos extinct volcano, the Emerald Lake and the Basalt Organ/ Colums
Visitors traveling from Brasov to Sighisoara can easily reach Racos Nature Reserve, 15 miles detour.
Access: car, bus

TV series Django, directed by Francesca Comencini and starring Matthias Schoenaerts, was filmed in Racos Nature Reserve.

Rupea Saxon Fortress
Cetatea Rupea
Where: town of Rupea , 42 miles north-west of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train
Rupea Fortress info


Day Trips from Brasov

Sighisoara Medieval Citadel
Where: 72 miles northeast of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train
Optional stops/ visits: Racos Nature Reserve (15 miles detour), Rupea Saxon Fortress, Crit Fortified Church, village Saschiz
Sighisoara info

Fagaras Fortress

Where: 45 miles west of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train (approx. 1 ½ hours away)
Optional stops/ visits: Town of Codlea
Fagaras Fortress info

Town of Sibiu

Where: 85 miles west of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train (approx. 2 ½ hours away)
Optional stops/ visits: town of Codlea, Fagaras Fortress, Monastery Sambata/ Brancoveanu (14 miles detour),
Fortress Cisnadioara (8 miles detour), village Rasinari (16 miles detour)
Town of Sibiu info

Peles Castle - Sinaia

Where: 40 miles south of Brasov
Access: car, bus, train
Optional stops/ visits:
town of Azuga - Rhein Cellars, sparkling and still wines tasting
town of Busteni - Cantacuzino Palace,
cable-car to Babele (the Old Dames) and Sfinxul (Sphinx) rock formations, 7,520 feet altitude.
Peles castle - Sinaia info

Tinovul Mohoş

Where: 49 miles northeast of Brasov
Access: car
600 acres protected woodland and mossy areas and 200 acres marshes/ peat bog.   Mohoş peat bog is home to unique flora and fauna (including ice-age relict plants and rare arthropods) and the largest habitat of Drosera (carnivorous plant), in Romania.
Optional stops/ visits:
town of Sfantu Gheorghe,   Lake St. Anne (formed in a volcanic crater),   Tusnad spa town (20 miles detour).
Return to Brasov, via Targu Secuiesc, detour itinerary (63 miles):
Lake St. Anne -- Balvanyos spa town -- town of Targu Secuiesc -- Reci Nature Reserve
Total distance (detour route): 112 miles
Tinovul Mohoş more info


Brasov Festivals & Events

Major festivals in Brasov include:
~ Brasov's Lads Parade Junii Brasovului
(first Sunday following the Orthodox Easter)
~ International Chamber Music Festival (September)
~ Brasov OktoberFest - Beer Festival (September)
~ International Opera Festival (September)
~ Brasov International Jazz Festival (November)
~ Contemporary Drama Festival (November)

A calendar of Romania festivals and celebrations is available at RomaniaTourism events section.


Brasov Trip Planning Information


 Air Transportation to Brasov  

Brasov International Airport
Aeroportul International Brasov
Brasov airport is located in town of Ghimbav, 6 miles northwest of Brasov city-centre
Address: Strada Aeroportului Brasov, Ghimbav
Telephone: (+4) 0268 410.777 x 212

Buss A1 (express) connects Brasov Train Station with Brasov Airport.
Stops: Civic Center, Livada Postei, Bartolomeu.
One ticket costs 4 lei (approx. $ 0.85).

Airlines with service to Brasov include: Dan Air and Wizz Air.

International airports not very far from Brasov:
Bucharest (OTP) - 100 miles south of Brasov
Targu Mures (TGM) - 105 miles north of Brasov
Sibiu (SBZ) - 85 miles west of Brasov


🚗   Travel by car to / from Brasov

The fastest route from Bucharest to Brasov is E60:
Bucharest - Ploiesti - Comarnic - Sinaia - Predeal - Brasov
(Note: on weekends, traffic between Comarnic and Predeal can be quite busy, expect delays).

Distance from Brasov to:
City Distance
Bucharest 100 miles
Arad 250 miles
Belgrade (Serbia) 330 miles
Budapest (Hungary) 420 miles
Cluj-Napoca 160 miles
Constanta 215 miles
Iasi 180 miles
Oradea 250 miles
Prague 760 miles
Satu Mare 250 miles
Sibiu 85 miles
Sighetu Marmatiei 235 miles
Sighisoara 72 miles
Suceava 190 miles
Targu Mures 105 miles
Timisoara 240 miles
Tulcea 195 miles
Vienna (Austria) 590 miles


🚆   Travel by train to / from Brasov

Brasov Train Station
Gara Brasov
Bd. Garii 5
Tel: (+4) 0268 410.233
The train station is located 2 miles from downtown. Bus # 4 runs from the train station to Piata Unirii in the city centre.
There are 3 direct international trains from/to Budapest (Hungary).
One of them continues to Vienna (Austria) and another to Bratislava Slovakia) and Prague (Czech Republic).

For the list of international trains with service to/from Romania please visit
RomaniaTourism International Transportation section

There are daily trains from/to Bucharest connecting Brasov to Arad, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Sighisoara and several other cities in Romania. There is also an overnight train to Suceava.

There is daily INTERCITY (Express) service between Bucharest and Brasov (approximate journey time: 2 ½ hours).

To check train and bus schedules for domestic routes please visit
RomaniaTourism Domestic Transportation section
Note: For departures from /to Bucharest please select Bucuresti Nord.

SNCFR's advance booking office
Agentia de Voiaj SNCFR Brasov
Address: Str. 15 Noiembrie 43
Tel: (+4) 0268 477.018

The SNCFR ticket office offers train schedules information and advance ticket sales.
Tickets for same-day travel can only be purchased at the train station.


🚌 Bus travel to / from Brasov

Inter-City Brasov Bus Stations - international & domestic bus service

Brasov Bus Station # 1
Autogara 1 Brasov
Address: Bd. Garii 5
(next to the train station)
Tel: (+4) 0268 427.267

Brasov Bus Station # 2
Autogara 2 Brasov / Autogara Bartolomeu
Address: Str. Avram Iancu 114
Tel: (+4) 0268 426.332

Brasov Bus Station # 3
Autogara 3 Brasov
Address: Str. Harmanului 47A
Tel: (+4) 0268 332.002

Bus Companies Serving Brasov, international service:

Address: Str. Poterasi 20-22
Tel: (+4) 021 330.91.76
Scheduled service to Athens (Greece)

Address: Blvd. Gh. Duca 4
Tel: (+4) 021 222.47.35
Scheduled service to France, Germany, Italy, Sweden

Address: Calea Victoriei 2
Tel: 021 313.36.42
Scheduled service to Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Switzerland

Eurolines Touring
Address: Blvd. Al. Ioan Cuza 5A
Tel: 021 210.08.90
Scheduled service to Germany with connections to any country in Europe

Address: Blvd. Dinicu Golescu 31
Tel: (+4) 021 336.62.15
Daily service to Istanbul (Turkey)

Address: Calea Grivitei 136-138
Tel: (+4) 021 223.18.98
Daily service to Istanbul (Turkey)


🚲 Brasov Bicycle Rental

Active Travel
Address: Str. Republicii 50, Brasov
Telephone: (+4) 0727 872.835

Address: Strada De Mijloc 31, Brasov
Telephone: (+4) 0721 244.552


🚎     Brasov Local Public Transportation

Brasov Local Transport Authority
(Regia Autonoma de Transport Brasov - RATBV)
operates 47 bus, 'midi-bus' and trolleybus routes within the city limits.
Brasov local public transport
Schedules and Routes
Urban Routes Map

Transportation between Brasov train station and city centre:

Bus # 4
[ Brasov Train Station (Gara) - Old Town - Livada Postei (city centre) ]
Bus #4 connects the train station with the bus stop for buses departing to Poiana Brasov.

Transportation between Brasov and Poiana Brasov ski town:
Bus # 20
[ Livada Postei (city centre) -- Poiana Brasov ]
or bus # 100
Brasov Train Station -- Poiana Brasov.

Transportation between Brasov train station and Bran / Dracula Castle bus station:
Bus #19
[ Brasov Train Station - Ecaterina Teodoroiu/ walk 400 yards to Autogara 2 - Bartolomeu ]

Brasov public transportation fares:
Bus / trolley-bus ticket: 4 Lei ($0.85) for one trip (60 minutes).
Day-Pass: 12 Lei ($2.60)
Three-days Pass: 30 Lei (approx. $6.50) (valid on all bus/ trolley-bus lines except Express Bus # 20)
One ticket for Express Bus # 20 (Brasov to Poiana Brasov) costs 6 Lei / trip (approx $1.40).
Tickets can be bought from the RATBV kiosks, vending machines or driver;
only two-trips tickets can be purchased form driver (costs is 10 lei / equivalent of $2.25).


🚕     Brasov Taxi

Brasov Taxi Companies
NamePhone #
Tod Taxi (+4) 0268 321.111
Taxi Brasov (+4) 0745 451.283
Martax (+4) 0268 313.040
Bratax (+4) 0268.948
Taxi 4T4U (+4) 0722 405.646
Cris Taxi (+4) 0721 692.157


Brasov Car Rental
Great car rental rates in Brasov.

Tel: (+4) 0268 415.250

Tel: (+4) 0268 474.564 or (+4) 0722 500.220

Tel: (+4) 0268 546.137

EuroCars Romania
Tel: (+4) 0727 373.799

Promotor Services Rent a Car Brasov
Tel: (+4) 0740 031.173

A Tel: (+4) 021 94 00 (this is valid short phone #)


Brasov Shopping

Brasov Art Galleries

Kron-Art Gallery
Address: Blvd. Republicii 38
Tel: 0268 475.971

Saba Art Gallery
Address: Blvd. Baritiu 4
Tel: 0268 473.438

Antique Shops

Dana's Art & Antiques
Address: Str. 15 Noiembrie nr.8
Tel: 0268 474.062

Traditional Handicrafts

Authentic handicrafts such as embroidered clothing and linen, lacework, painted or beaded eggs, carpets, pottery, tablecloths, woodcarvings and icons are being offered by specialized shops, usually called Artizanat.

Address: Str. Michael Weiss 2
Tel: (+4) 0268 144.455

Address: Blvd. Republicii 48
Tel: (+4) 0268 144.546

Address: Bd. Republicii 35

Brasov local beers include:   Mustata de Bere (artisanal),   Ciucas,   Bucur (artisanal).

Brasov Shopping Malls Address Telephone
Coresi Shopping Center Str. Zaharia Stancu 1 (+4) 0736 738.787
Unirea Shopping Center Brașov Bulevardul Gării 3A (+4) 0268 301.030
AFI Bulevardul 15 Noiembrie 78 (+4) 0731 348 300


Brasov Hotels

Accommodations in Brasov include:

Hotel Name Class Location
Schuster boutique Old Town Brasov
Casa Chitic boutique Old Town Brasov
Curtea Brasoveana boutique Old Town Brasov
Upper House boutique 0.6 miles south of Old Town Brasov
Kronwell four-star / upscale Brasov Train Station - 2 miles northeast of Old Town Brasov
ARO Palace four-star / upscale Old Town Brasov
Belvedere four-star / upscale 0.8 miles N of Old Town Brasov
Bella Muzica three-star / midscale Old Town Brasov
Belfort three-star / midscale Old Town Brasov
Ambient three-star / midscale Brasov City Centre
Radisson four-star / upscale Old Town Brasov


Brasov restaurants worth trying:

Restaurant Name Cuisine Location
Bloom Local and International Brasov Old Town
Bisto de l’Arte Local / International Brasov Old Town
Bella Muzica Local / International Brasov Old Town
Sergiana – Stana Turistica Local / Traditional Romanian Poiana Brasov, 7 miles SW of Brasov Old Town
Ograda Local Brasov Old Town
La Ceaun Local and International Brasov Old Town
Casa Romaneasca Local / Romanian Brasov Old Town – Schei neighborhood

Brasov Local Beers:  
Artisan beers produced in Brasov include:   Bere Mustata,    Czell,   Danila’s - Bere Schei    and     Ciucas.


Brasov Tourist Info

Brasov Tourist Information Centre
Centrul de Informare Turistica Brasov
Address: Str. Prundului 1 (near Poarta Schei)
Telephone: (+4) 0774 035.072
Mon. & Fri.: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Tue., Wed. and Thu.: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Brasov Tourist Info Centre offers free WiFi, maps, brochures and travel advice.


Brasov Health Care and Emergency

General Emergency phone number: 112
(Ambulance, Firefighters, Police)

Pharmacies (Farmacie) open 24 hours a day in Brasov include:

Name Address Telephone #
Farmacia Dona - Nicopole Strada Nicopole 65, parter (+4) 0372 407.175
Farmacia Ecofarmacia - Iuliu Maniu Strada Iuliu Maniu 68 (+4) 0268 413.044
Farmacia Farmacom - Griviței Bulevardul Griviței 67, Tractorul (+4) 0268 332.143
Farmacia Farmacom - Uranus Strada Uranus 12 - 14, Zizin (+4) 0268 332.143


Brasov Hospitals

Name Address Telephone #
Brasov Emergency Clinic Hospital
Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Brasov
Calea Bucuresti 25-27 (+4) 0268 320.002
Brasov Children's Hospital
Spitalul Clinic de Copii
Address: Strada Nicopole 45 (+4) 0268 415.130
Brasov Military Hospital
Spitalul Militar de Urgenta
Address: Strada Pieții 9 (+4) 0368 464.210
Railways Company Hospital
Spitalul C F R
Bd. 15 Noiembrie 60 (+4) 0268 475.949
Infectious Diseases Hospital
Spitalul de Boli Infecțioase
Strada Mihai Viteazul 9 (+4) 0268 422.464


Brasov Local Authorities

Brasov City Hall
Primaria Brasov
Address: Bd. Eroilor 8
Tel: (+4) 0268 416.550

Brasov County Archives
Directia Judeteana Brasov a Arhivelor Nationale
Address: Str. Gh. Baritiu 34
Brasov, postal code 500025
Tel: (+4) 0268 475.256

Brasov Consumer Protection Agency
Comisariatul Judeţean pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor Braşov   (ANPC)
Address: Str. A. I. Cuza 12
Tel: (+4) 0268 413.951


Postal Services & Telephone

Post offices display a postal horn symbol and the word Posta.

Main Post Office
Address: Str. Nicolae Iorga 1
Tel: (+4) 0268 471.260
Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sat.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Telephoning Brasov from Abroad
International Access Code +4 (country code) + 0268 or 0368 (area code) + six-digit telephone number


Brasov Maps

Brasov Old Town Map   (Harta Orasului Vechi Brasov)
City of Brasov interactive Street Map   (Harta Interactiva Brasov)
Romania Main Roads and Tourist Attractions Map   ( Romania - Harta Atractii Turistice)